Monday, October 14, 2013

I don't wanna grow up

Monday mornings at 6 am the house is still chilly. I wake the daughters. They groan as the stretch and half heartedly ask if they can stay home. I say yes, Daddy says no. They get dressed, brush their teeth and hair, and meet the school bus thirty minutes later.
I climb back into bed, wanting to stay there for the rest of the day. I do not want to do laundry, dishes, job search or work out. I just want to stay in my pajamas with my unbrushed hair and teeth.

Remember when we used to want to be grown ups because we thought they had all the fun? And could do whatever they want? We were wrong. Sure, I could stay in bed and avoid responsibility. But then the girls wouldn't come home to a warm dinner, clean clothes for tomorrow, and would think that laziness was an awesome way of life. (Well, sometimes....)

Being a grown up DOES have it's perks. occasionally.
I get to drink coffee. That's exciting. I can run outside with just my socks on and no one can yell at me. (I have yelled at the girls for that.) AND I get to hang out with friends whenever I want. Which would be awesome if they weren't all as busy as me trying to raise their children.

As I move forward, cleaning and cooking, (and taking Pinterest/Facebook breaks) I will realize today that my chores are discipline for all of the times I'd wished I was an adult while growing up. I may pout, but then remember....I can eat chocolate whenever I want and no one can stop me.

1 comment:

  1. For me being an adult is much more fun. I am in control of my food consumption.
